Inside Up Games
While at Inside Up Games, I worked on a wide variety of projects ranging from social media campaigns, board game development, and crowdfunding page design. I contributed work towards 3 crowdfunding campaigns, created signage for conventions, and designed the rulebook for Draft & Write Records.
Board Game Geek Ad Campagin
Draft & Write Records
Draft & Write Records is a card drafting game where players put together a musical group, trying to make combos and earn victory points. I was the lead designer behind the Draft & Write Records rulebook and worked on several elements of the game, including cards, art, and the prototype.
Social Media Campaign Posts
Playlist Event Graphics
Draft & Write Records Rulebook
Board Game Geek Ad Campaign
Summit: Sanity + Big Box
Summit: Sanity is the final expansion for Inside Up Games’ Summit. The expansion adds in the mental strain of ascending a mountain as well as a handful of new cards. The Big Box includes Summit, a variety of add ons, and space for all three expansions.
Campaign add-ons, some 3D elements
Summit Big Box + Sanity Gamefound Graphics
Social Media
At Inside Up Games, one of my duties was generating daily social media posts and graphics. The posts would focus on current crowdfunding campaigns, convention information, information about published games, holidays, and a variety of other social engagement posts.
Banners, Signage, & Merchandise
At Inside Up Games, I created a variety of banners and signage that we used at all the conventions we traveled to around the world. My work was displayed at Origins, Gen Con, and SPIEL 2022. I also created company branded pins that were sold at conventions.